Meet the Medable team

Schedule a meeting to talk with one of our clinical research and trial experts.
Chief Executive Officer
Michelle Longmire
Discuss your DCT and enterprise solutions for pharma and biotech.
Executive General Manager, Customer Value
Andrew Mackinnon
Discuss the ROI of Medable Studio, eConsent, and site adoption.
Chief Scientific Officer
Pamela Tenaerts
Discuss the ROI of Medable Studio, eConsent, and site adoption.
Chief Customer Officer
Alison Holland
Discuss eCOA strategy, current FDA Guidelines, and how to best plan for using eCOA in your trial.
Chief Revenue Officer
Dave Orrico
Discuss your DCT and enterprise solutions for pharma and biotech.

How Medable is making the Design, Configuration and Launch of Studies Easier, More Efficient and With Better Outcomes

Track: C9: Decentralized & Hybrid

Medable Studio is a fully featured SaaS suite of study design, configuration, translation and launch tools that enables easy and efficient study builds. In this presentation Medable, with a partner from a key customer, will talk about design best practice, how Studio has enabled faster study launch, and the adherence and satisfaction outcomes that have been observed in live studies.
  • TBD
  • Wednesday, February 5
  • 9:55 AM EST
  • 30 minutes
Andrew Mackinnon
Executive General Manager, Customer Value

Achieving Flexibility and Expanding Access While Preserving Data Quality

Track: C9 DCTs & Clinical Innovation

Lindsay Kehoe, Project Manager, Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative

Pamela Tenaerts, CSO, Medable
Wes Burian, Patient
Charmaine Demanuele, PhD, Executive Director, Head, Quantitative Sciences for Digital Sciences & Translational Imaging, Pfizer Inc.
  • TBD
  • Thursday, February 6
  • 12:25 PM EST
  • 30 minutes
Pamela Tenaerts
Chief Scientific Officer

You’re invited! Join Medable at our After Party (RSVP Only).